The student guides to the sorting and transportation projects, can be found below:
- Sorter – guide:
- Danish (.docx)
- Danish (.pdf)
- German (.docx)
- German (.pdf)
- English – auto translated (.docx)
- English – auto translated (.pdf)
- Transporter – guide:
- Danish (.docx)
- Danish (.pdf)
- German (.docx)
- German (.pdf)
- English – auto translated (.docx)
- English – auto translated (.pdf)
Likewise, code examples for how each of the steps/sub-assignments involved in the process can be solved, can be found below:
- Sorter – code examples
- The initial steps – 3: Test the DC-motors
- The transportation belt – 1: Use functions to control the belt
- The transportation belt – 2: Integrate the color-sensor
- The transportation belt – 3: React when colors are read
- The boxes – 1: Use functions to rotate the boxes
- The boxes – 2: Integrate the switch
- The boxes – 3: Control the amount of rotations
- Combine the transportation belt with the boxes – 1: Combine it all – The complete code
- Transporter – code examples:
- The initial steps – 3: test the DC-motors
- Navigate the lines – 1: Use functions to steer the transporter
- Navigate the lines – 2: Integrate the IR-sensors
- Navigate the lines – 3: Follow the line
- Navigate the lines – 4: Use a function to follow the line
- Navigate the surroundings – 1: Integrate the distance-sensor
- Navigate the surroundings – 2: Stop for objects blocking the path
- Deliver the beans – 1: Test the servo-motor
- Deliver the beans – 2: Deliver the box
- Transporter: The complete code