The materials included herein, is derived from a one week long science camp on robotics and automation called RoboCamp 2019. The camp which was aimed at 7th to 9th graders (approximately aged 12-14) in the German school system, was one of the outreach initiatives, undertaken by the PANaMa project.
The developed materials are made publicly available, with the purpose of inspiring others. You are therefore free to use and modify the material. You’re likewise also free to redistribute the material, however, when doing so, we would kindly ask you to credit the source material: “PANaMa – RoboCamp 2019”.
Lastly, should you use, modify and or redistribute the material, we’ll be happy to hear from you, regarding your experiences with the material and if you should have suggestions for improvements (
The introductory course:
The introductory course introduces the pupils robotics, what a robot is and is not, its core components and the interplay between these.
They will also experience this interplay by themselves, when they in groups of three (microcontroller, sensor, actuator), are tasked with imitating a robot and solving simple, yet for the robot, complex physical tasks.
Furthermore, they will be introduced to the Arduino platform, the associated programming language and a series of sensors and actuators – which will later on be used in the final project.
The final project:
The final project revolves around a coffee-bean sorting central, in dire need of having its core processes automated: sorting (color sorting), warehouse management (line-following).
In the project, the pupils in groups of two (if possible), will be given the engineering task of fulfilling the centrals wishes for automation.
The materials included for the projects make use of the LEGO Technic platform, in combination with a series of 3D printable modules which seeks to make the integration of the electronics into the platform, easier.
READ ME NOTE: Building the models with the LEGO Technic platform, is only one of many possible solutions. The models can likewise be build from additional 3D printed materials, cardboard, etc.
The developed materials:
- The introductory course:
- Teacher guide for the course, and additional information:
- PowerPoint slide
- Associated setups and code examples
- The final project:
- Cheat sheets: